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Essay classification examples

Essay classification examples

How to Write a Classification Essay,Posts navigation

WebApr 28,  · The primary purpose of this type of essay is to show your skills in categorisation and generalization. We can take food as a good and tasty example. For WebCell phones, for example, have now become part of a broad category. They can be classified as feature phones, media phones, and smartphones. Smaller categories, and WebSamples Classification Classification Essay Examples Types of Crimes and Punishments There are different ways to categorize crime: criminal and civil offenses, WebJan 5,  · Example: Provide the relevant examples to authenticate your classification. Examples mostly act as evidence of your claim. So, make sure to write examples that WebMar 14,  · Classification Essay Outline Example; How to Write a Classification Essay In 6 Steps. Step 1: Brainstorming Ideas. Step 2: Formulate Thesis Statement. Step 3: ... read more

While it might seem like an easy assignment to complete, there are many important factors that go into determining the final grade. Make sure to follow these tips when working on your own classification essay. Here are some classification essay examples that you can read to understand the process of writing your own classification papers for school. There are many different types of discrimination in the world today, but one that has been a hot topic of debate is discrimination against homosexuals. Many people feel that they must keep their sexual orientation to themselves because they fear being looked down upon by others for their preference in gender when sleeping with someone.

However, there are also many people who feel that everyone should be able to love whoever they choose and it is wrong for someone to tell them what they can and cannot do. In this work, it is clear that Romeo Montague is heterosexual while Juliet Capulet is a homosexual. When the two meet after attending a party, they fall in love almost instantly and must deal with many problems since their families are feuding rivals. Throughout the play, there are references to homosexuality being looked down upon, even by some characters who are homosexuals themselves, which makes them feel that they are not accepted for who they are. In this story, there is an annual tradition where people gather on July 4th to draw lots out of a box.

The last name drawn out will be stoned to death as punishment for committing some horrible crime. The townspeople all look at Mrs. Jackson and accuse her of committing adultery to get pregnant so someone else could draw her name out of the box. They insist that she must be stoned to death for her crime, but Mr. Jackson comes forward and insists that he made love to his wife right before she got pregnant so they would have a child together. Even though it is apparent that Mr. Jackson was telling the truth, Mrs. Jackson still gets stoned to death because people come forward and claim that they saw them commit adultery many times in public places like movie theaters and restaurants, which makes everyone feel that they must be guilty of something.

While these two works are very different, they both describe discrimination against homosexuals in some way. Even though it is clear that it is wrong to discriminate against anyone based on their sexual orientation, there are still many people who feel this way and will judge others without considering the facts. Discrimination like this has existed for centuries and will likely continue to exist far into the future unless people realize how hurtful certain beliefs can be. Each and every breed has its own unique characteristics. Even between breeds, there are so many different breeds of dogs to choose from that picking the perfect pooch can be very difficult.

It all depends on what you want your dog to do for you and how much time and money you can afford to spend. This does not mean we should only choose the most popular types; we must also consider who we are do we have children? other pets? an active lifestyle? These include breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Spaniels, Beagles, Pointers and Setters. Sporting dogs are typically good-natured, friendly and intelligent; however they do require extensive exercise think lots of off-leash walks. Next we have the herding dogs: Collies Lassie , Shetland Sheepdogs Bash , Australian Shepherds Nanook and Corgis. These breeds are very intelligent, loyal and very good with children.

Thirdly we have the hunters: Labrador Retrievers, Beagles and Weimaraners. These dogs tend to be highly energetic and often require hours of exercise each day; however they can make excellent pets if their hunting instincts are not too strong yes, some Weimaraners will actually chase cats. If you like spending time outdoors hiking or camping — this is definitely the type for you! Also popular as family pets are the guard dogs such as Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans and German Shepherds. These dogs are extremely loyal to their owners, but should be well-trained before being allowed around children or other pets.

If you need a dog to protect your family or your possessions — this is definitely the type for you! Finally we have the working dogs: Siberian Huskies Nanook , Alaskan Malamutes Kodiak , Saint Bernards Samson and Komondors Bash. These breeds were specifically bred for cold climates; therefore they require regular exercise in order to maintain good health. They are very intelligent and strong yet patient with children — if you want a big dog that will help you haul firewood or pull sleds through the snow — this is it! There are many other types of dogs not included in the list above, but these are by far the most popular. Here are some classification essay topics, classification and division essay topics and ideas to write about:.

Visit classification essay topics page for comprehensive list of classification and division essay topics that will help you write a good classification and division essay. However, it is up to you to decide on criteria for classification to explain the reasoning and logic. The entire process of classification essay writing is not very different from any other type of essay. Like other academic papers, the principles of essay writing remain the same, but it requires extensive research and analysis. Most professors assign you a specific topic to write your classification essay. If you are not assigned, brainstorm different ideas and come up with an engaging topic.

Decide on a group of things that can be logically divided into groups. Also, come up with something that has definitive categories for comparison. After choosing a topic, decide on classification criteria. Think about all the possible categories in which the topic can split up. Furthermore, make sure that none of the categories is overlapping. A thesis statement is the main argument of the writer on the topic. It is the stance that supports your entire essay, including the main body. Therefore, it is important to draft a strong statement. Also, use examples and evidence to make your essay effective and persuasive.

The next step is to conduct thorough research to gather interesting information for the audience. However, make sure to collect data from credible and authentic sources. It will further strengthen the content of your essay by making it more convincing and logical. After collecting relevant information, you are now required to structure and organize it properly. Thus, write down the main ideas and present a logical connection between them. Eliminate unnecessary ideas if there are any. Check out the following template outline that you can use for your division and classification essay. After planning out the basic structure, start the writing process.

Follow the below-given steps to write a perfect classification essay. The introduction is the first and the most important section of the classification essay. Here, you have to identify the subject and mention the objects to be categorized. State an interesting hook statement to make your introduction appealing. After this, provide the purpose of the essay and explain the reason for categorizing the items. Informal Entertaining How to Write Entertaining. Inspirational How to Write Inspirational. Fiction review Graphic Novel Review How to Write a Graphic Novel Review. Graphic Novel Review Examples. Novel Review How to Write a Novel Review. Novel Review Examples. Short Story Review How to Write a Short Story Review.

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Classification Essay Guide. A type of essay in which the writer classifies or categorizes subjects, objects, characters, events, or ideas, is called a classification essay. Most high school and college students are assigned to do this type of essay. Have you been assigned to write a classification essay? Begin by writing a classification essay outline. This guide will thoroughly explain to you the process of writing a classification essay outline. Along with the steps, there are multiple tips and examples for you to get a better idea of a classification essay outline and its structure.

An essay outline is written to enlist all the ideas and points that are further going to be elaborated in the essay. An essay outline provides a proper structure to the essay and determines the flow of content. A classification essay outline will help you classify and organize the subjects being discussed. This is done in such a way that it is easy for the reader to understand and comprehend. Not just the classification essay, but every type of essay requires you to draft an outline first. This is considered to be the prewriting phase of essay writing. To create a logical flow of information in the essay, a general format of a classification essay outline has the following sections:. The number of paragraphs in your essay may vary according to your topic or the essay requirements.

However, the general three sections of an outline are Introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion. The first section of a classification essay is its introduction. The introduction paragraph introduces the topic and the terms being discussed in the essay. To ensure that a reader reads your essay thoroughly with interest, hook them to your essay right from the beginning. So, it is recommended to begin your introduction paragraph with a hook sentence on an attention grabber. Once you have successfully hooked the reader to your essay, you can introduce the topic to your reader and provide relevant background. Lastly, you need to put forward our thesis statement towards the end of your introduction paragraph. A hook is an interesting attention grabber that compels your reader to read the essay further on.

There are multiple types of hooks that can be used. You can view hook examples to select an appropriate hook for your essay. You can select an appropriate hook according to the nature of your essay and the topic. If it is a serious topic you can begin with a fact or a quotation. However, if it is a funnier topic you can go for a light-hearted anecdote. Introduce the topic of your essay. If there are any technical terms try to explain them here. Otherwise, give a general overview of the topic briefly. Tell the background of your topic or the purpose of writing an essay on this specific topic.

This will help in developing the context of your essay. A thesis statement is a two-three sentence statement. It tells your viewpoint or main claim of the essay to the reader. It should be concise and clear. To properly end the introduction paragraph you can add a transition sentence at the end. This sentence will create the flow of your writing and connect the introduction paragraph to the upcoming body paragraphs. Paper Due? Why Suffer? That's our Job! The next section of your classification essay is the body. All the details that are to be written in an essay are mentioned paragraph-wise in the body section.

Usually, there are three body paragraphs. However, the number can increase according to the number of categories that you make. Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that highlights the separate category being discussed in the paragraph. After the topic sentence, mention the supporting details and then end the paragraph with a concluding sentence. Lastly, you will end your essay with a conclusion paragraph. The conclusion section is drafted to summarize the whole essay and to conclude the discussion. Keep in mind that no new information or argument is ever added in the conclusion paragraph. Instead, the conclusion paragraph only summarizes the essay. A wise strategy is to summarize each of the outline points in a single sentence within the conclusion paragraph. Make sure to effectively conclude the essay else your whole essay can fall flat.

Your conclusion should be such that it leaves the reader thinking about your essay. Most students usually jump directly to essay writing and start with an essay without creating an outline first. This is not a wise strategy and can cause writing troubles for you. Here is why writing a classification essay outline can help you:. These points tell you how significant it is to write an essay outline. They show you how an outline can help you improve your academic papers and writing skills. Tough Essay Due? Hire Tough Writers! Students are mostly looking for examples and samples to learn from while writing their academic assignments.

So, here are some classification essay outline samples for your help: Division and Classification Essay Outline. This guide would have surely helped you and guide you well on how to write a classification essay outline. Follow the above-mentioned guidelines. You will be able to create a good classification essay outline for your own classification essay topic as well. We write thesis, dissertations, essays, and other custom papers for students. Rest assured that all these papers are written by subject matter experts, so they are sure to impress your teachers.

is a published author and writing specialist. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years, providing writing services and digital content. His own writing career began with a focus on literature and linguistics, which he continues to pursue. Cordon is an engaging and professional individual, always looking to help others achieve their goals. Make an Inquiry. Last updated on: Jan 4, Classification Essay Outline - A Complete Guide By: Cordon J. Reviewed By: Rylee W. Published on: Jan 5, On this Page. How to Write a Classification Essay Outline? How to Write a Classification Essay Introduction? An effective introductory paragraph for a classification essay will have the following elements: Hook: A hook is an interesting attention grabber that compels your reader to read the essay further on.

Topic Introduction: Introduce the topic of your essay. Background or Purpose: Tell the background of your topic or the purpose of writing an essay on this specific topic. Thesis Statement: A thesis statement is a two-three sentence statement. Order Now. Division and Classification Essay Outline. Classification Essay Outline Template. Cordon J. Speech, Law. Was This Blog Helpful? No Yes. Keep Reading Educational 7 min read. Educational 6 min read. People Also Read. Burdened With Assignments? All rights reserved. LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT. No account? Sign up Forgot Password?

Classification Essay Examples,How to Write a Classification Essay Outline?

WebCell phones, for example, have now become part of a broad category. They can be classified as feature phones, media phones, and smartphones. Smaller categories, and WebClassification Essays. UMUC Plagiarism Policy Discussiono. UMUC’s plagiarism policy underpins the institution’s desire to uphold academic integrity in the college community. WebApr 28,  · The primary purpose of this type of essay is to show your skills in categorisation and generalization. We can take food as a good and tasty example. For WebMar 14,  · Classification Essay Outline Example; How to Write a Classification Essay In 6 Steps. Step 1: Brainstorming Ideas. Step 2: Formulate Thesis Statement. Step 3: WebClassification Essay: Example #1 Many Ways to Turn a Page People say that one can understand a lot about someone’s personality just by looking at his shoes. The way WebJan 5,  · Example: Provide the relevant examples to authenticate your classification. Examples mostly act as evidence of your claim. So, make sure to write examples that ... read more

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